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Web site hours?

I will never understand why Web For Students is not available 24/7. It is the only Web site I’ve ever come across that has set hours, like a store or business. The site isn’t open or accessible between midnight and 8 a.m. Isn’t the whole point of the Web that you can access info any time, anywhere?

Aside from being annoying, especially for the students for whom it is supposedly designed and who are frequently up past the hours of operation, it makes no sense. I understand the registrar’s office and bursar’s office need to run nightly account logs. But why is that other companies can keep accounts up to date without shutting down access to account information?

This is one of many technology-related annoyances I will be glad to leave behind at Kent State. Among the others? 15MB mailbox limits, Flashline, WebCT, hit-or-miss Wi-Fi that required me to authenticate each time I opened my computer, paperless e-billing that wasn’t compatible with Macs… but mostly, Web for Students.

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